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The Impact of Extreme Fatigue on Mental Health: Strategies for Self-Care

The Impact of Extreme Fatigue on Mental Health: Strategies for Self-Care
Writer and expert27 days ago
View PrecisionBiotics®'s profile

Did you struggle to get out of bed this morning despite having the full eight hours of sleep? Are you fighting to keep your eyes open by 3 o’clock in the afternoon? Do you have trouble finding the energy to get up and get things done? These can all be signs of fatigue: an issue that can have a massive effect on your mood and overall well-being. It might then help to know more about what extreme fatigue is, what causes it and the effects it can have on our mental health.

In this article, we take a look at the science behind extreme fatigue and help you to discover effective strategies which might help you manage your exhaustion and regain some of your previous energy levels. Read on to find more valuable insights and tips which can help you feel rejuvenated and energised once more.

Understanding extreme fatigue and its causes

We’ve all felt tired and lacking in energy at some point but extreme fatigue takes this to a whole new level. Extreme fatigue means feeling severely overtired, impacting on your ability to get up in the morning, go to work, or function in the usual way to get you through the day. You are likely to experience an overwhelming urge to sleep and yet not feel refreshed afterwards[i].

Extreme fatigue can also last for long periods of time, creating problems with thinking as well as your memory and concentration - and can sometimes feel as though you are suffering from flu[ii].

So what causes extreme fatigue? It can be triggered by a number of different things and so first and foremost, it is important to speak to a doctor to discover what might be behind the problem for you. Physiologic fatigue can be caused by things like too much exercise, sleep problems, dietary choices, or other non-medical issues brought on by your lifestyle. Secondary fatigue however is caused by an underlying health condition and chronic fatigue can go on for months at a time and notably does not get better with rest or sleep. This may be due to an illness or medical condition[iii].

The effects of extreme fatigue

As you might imagine, extreme fatigue can not only leave you feeling tired, lacking in energy and drowsy, but it can also have an impact on many other areas of your life. This feels very different to simply not have having had a good night's sleep and it can be difficult to go about your normal life. It can mean that you struggle to carry out normal everyday activities and it can also make it very difficult to go to work.

The impact of this fatigue can be wide-ranging as it can cause a number of psychological and physical problems. Anxiety and depression are both associated with fatigue and when feeling tired, it is only natural that you are likely to feel more anxious and irritable than usual. This in turn can have a negative impact on your work life and many of your relationships[iv]. It can become an unfortunate cycle, as those who suffer from extreme fatigue and the depression that often comes with it, can then find that the fatigue is worsened by the symptoms of depression.[v]

Feeling tired can also lead to lower levels of alertness and concentration, meaning you can struggle to focus on a particular task and may become more easily confused. This makes it difficult to go about many normal tasks in your day-to-day life and can also impact on your work. You may also find that your decision-making abilities are impaired as you are not able to assess situations as well as you might normally[vi].

Self-care practices to help combat extreme fatigue

Extreme fatigue can be very debilitating and so it is essential that you take good care of yourself if you are suffering from this condition. If it is caused by an underlying health condition, then it is important that you seek help from a medical professional to help deal with these problems effectively.

Fresh air and exercise

However, there are also steps you can take to help deal with the extreme fatigue you are experiencing on a day-to-day basis. We all know that exercise is good for our physical health and our mental health, but it is not easy to find the motivation to exercise when you are suffering from extreme fatigue. It is therefore important to try and address this in small steps, first by introducing fresh air into your daily routine. Start off by taking a few minutes to just sit outside, in your garden or on a balcony, soaking up the sunshine and breathing in the air. Experiencing fresh air can help you with sleep patterns and it can also give a big boost to your mental health[vii]. Gradually you will be able to build this up and start working in exercise. Make sure to not overexert yourself and only exercise when you have sufficient energy to do so. By trying to find the right balance between exertion and rest, you can help your mood to feel invigorated and get better sleep[viii].

Restful sleep

When talking about fatigue, it is difficult to ignore the subject of sleep. Many people who suffer from extreme fatigue actually struggle to get the restful sleep that they need, and so it is important to take some self-care steps to help promote better sleep. Even though you feel tired throughout the day, it can help to establish a consistent bedtime and wake up schedule to get your body into a regular routine. Ideally your bedroom should be cool, dark and quiet, and you should make sure that you are not looking at screens such as your phone or a television just before you go to sleep. Try to limit your alcohol intake in the evening and aim for a wind down routine before bed, incorporating relaxing rituals such as reading or taking a warm bath. These can all help you get to sleep more easily and improve the quality of your sleep[ix].

Medical help

If you feel as though you are suffering from the symptoms of extreme fatigue, then it is important that you reach out to the medical profession for support. They can identify the causes as well as help you to manage the symptoms. There is no shame in talking about how you are feeling, and it is important that you take action as soon as possible in order to minimise the impact. It can help to talk to your friends and loved ones about how you are feeling and find ways they can support you. This could be through emotional support, or there may be practical measures that you need them to take in order for you to cope.

Stress reduction

Extreme fatigue can take its toll on your stress levels, and dealing with the symptoms and impact of extreme fatigue can exacerbate this even further. It is therefore important to try and introduce some stress reduction techniques into your daily routine to help manage your anxiety and improve your overall mental health. This could be something as easy as starting with some simple breathing exercises, but you could also consider using meditation, mindfulness, and yoga to help manage the way you are feeling[x].

Balanced nutrition

Nutrition can also be another important factor when dealing with extreme fatigue. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet and drinking plenty of water will help to manage your energy levels and your symptoms. Foods with lower GI carbohydrates can release energy slowly throughout the day, whilst beans, fish, eggs and meat provide essential protein, vitamins and minerals[xi]. It is important to ensure that your body is getting all of the vitamins and minerals it needs in order to function efficiently. If you are struggling to do this through diet alone, then it might be worth looking at taking additional supplements.

Living with extreme fatigue can have a huge impact on your life and the people around you. It is not something that you can simply sleep your way out of, and so it is important to make sure that you do all you can to take good care of yourself.













Writer and expert
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