If, like so many of us, you are on the seemingly never-ending quest for glowing skin, chances are you have tried the lot; from cutting out sugar to slathering on bottled snail slime, changing your skincare regime to suit monthly hormonal changes and expensive oxygen, diamond or vampire facials.
As it turns out, achieving a smooth, clear complexion could actually be easier (and far cheaper) than you ever imagined.
Scientists and beauty experts are increasingly convinced that the health of your skin, like so much else in your body, is heavily influenced by the health of your digestive .
Which means that getting that baby-smooth, spot-free skin we all dream of could be as simple as balancing the bacteria inside us.
The gut microbiome and the gut-skin axis
The connection between the gut and mental health has really hit the headlines in recent years, and therefore you may well have heard of the gut-brain axis – the physical and chemical link between these two systems.
But what you may not have heard of yet is the gut-skin axis.
Not only does your gut have an awful lot to do with what is going on up top, it is also strongly linked with the health of your skin.
Which makes complete sense, when you consider the way in which so many gastrointestinal disorders present with skin involvement, inflammatory skin conditions often flaring up alongside GI symptoms.
Recent research has shown a specific link between certain skin complaints and a gut microbiome imbalance, also known as gut .
For example, scientists have noted a link between and the presence of Helicobacter pylori, a pathogenic bacterium that can cause serious infections and ulcers in the digestive tract.
So, could improving your inner gut microbiome really support a clearer complexion and reduce your risk of skin complaints like acne, eczema and psoriasis?
The often circular link between stress, immunity, gut health and the skin may be the most glaring indication that it is taking care of what is inside that counts.
We know that stress can cause gastric symptoms, impact our immunity and lead to skin flare ups.
We also know that the progression of acne can cause stress, which can lead to stomach issues and lower our immunity.
And of course, low immunity can result in gastrointestinal complaints, poor skin health and low mood.
Keeping your gut microbiome healthy may be the easiest one of these four factors tackle. And doing so has wide-ranging results, not just for a clearer complexion but for a healthier mind and body too.
Gut care is skincare
Most of us only start to think about imbalances in the gut microbiome when we begin to experience symptoms, whether those are in the skin or in the stomach.
However, we believe that caring for the bacteria that live inside your gut should be a priority, long before those first indications that something is wrong.
Eating a healthy diet rich in fibre with a wide range of vegetables is the natural first step to a healthy gut, but supplementing with live bacterial cultures is one way to simply support the balance of your microbiota without undertaking a major lifestyle change.
By adding friendly bacteria to your daily routine can help to support your gut bacteria, to help reduce the risk of breakouts and dry, irritated skin, and thus reducing your reliance on lotions, potions and expensive .
Which bacteria can help improve my skin?
With so many strains of bacteria making up our microbiome, it can be hard to know which species are linked to which health concern.
When it comes to skin, scientists think that Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species (the types of bacteria that PrecisionBiotics products are built upon) are the most important.
Support your gut with Gut Health Supplements
Discover more about Gut Health

What are the best foods for gut health?
Is there such a thing as ‘good gut health’ food? Learn which foods have been linked to supporting your gut and if there really is a ‘magic’ ingredient.

A dietitian’s guide to low FODMAPs diets
A low FODMAPs diet can make a big difference to people with sensitive guts but followed incorrectly it can sometimes cause more harm than good. FODMAPs trained dietitian, Magda Rzuczkowska, gives us her expert do’s and don’ts to help you get the most from the diet.

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